
Jun 9, 2024

To support delivery of our Services, Opine Market, Inc. may engage and use data processors with access to certain Service Data (each, a "Subprocessor"). This page provides important information about the identity, and role of each Subprocessor. Terms used on this page but not defined have the meaning set forth in the applicable agreement between Customer and Opine Market, Inc.

  • Render - Infrastructure Hosting

  • AWS - Infrastructure Hosting

  • OpenAI - Application AI functionality

  • Exa - Application AI functionality

  • Tinybird - Application metrics functionality

  • Databricks - Data cataloging and analysis

  • Airbyte - Infrastructure Hosting

  • Sentry - Application Error Tracking

  • Datadog - Logging and Monitoring

  • PostHog - Product Analytics

  • Google Analytics - Website Analytics

  • Clerk - Authentication and authorization

  • Mailchimp - Email service provider

  • Liveblocks - Application realtime functionality

  • Slack - Application notifications and internal communications


The Subprocessors used by Opine Market, Inc. may change over time. Opine Market, Inc. will update this page with notice of any new or different Subprocessors as appropriate and necessary.

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